
Wasting research agenda

A community based health worker in Burkina Faso explains to a woman and her husband how to use MMS

Research to inform WHO guideline updates

Many important evidence gaps were identified around the management and prevention of wasting and nutritional oedema through the development of the 2023 WHO guideline. 

As a next step, WHO will lead the development of a research agenda focused on wasting and nutritional oedema based on these evidence gaps. Linked to this, WHO will establish criteria for triggering updates to recommendations in the 2023 WHO guideline based on new evidence. 

WHO will work with UN agencies and other partners over the next five years to achieve these objectives and will involve the UNICEF-WHO Technical Advisory Group on Wasting and Nutritional Oedema (Acute Malnutrition). 

Further information about the use of evidence to inform recommendations in WHO guidelines can be found on WHO website.