Action Review Panel Meeting - May 2023


The 2023 Action Review Panel took place on May 30th, and was co-chaired by UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell, UK Minister for Development Andrew Mitchell, and USAID Administrator Samantha Power. Eleven principals and representatives from key agencies joined the meeting, with focused discussions on Sustainable Financing, Prevention of wasting, Joint Advocacy and Accountability.

The agreed action points were:

  1. Explore options to develop a special theme on Nutrition and Food Security within IDA21 through consultation with the World Bank
  2. Explore including key indicators to measure the impact of IDA operations on the food and nutrition security of vulnerable populations  
  3. Convene relevant experts to identify new / further opportunities for better early response financing mechanisms to support prevention of malnutrition  
  4. Explore options for the inclusion of a nutrition indicator within the UHC index  
  5. Work to develop a concrete evidence-based investment case for prevention programmes
  6. Draft key messages for joint advocacy on wasting by members of the ARP  
  7. Invites to join the panel to go out to the Ministry of Health of four GAP countries and Irish Aid in advance of the next ARP meeting 
  8. Development of scorecard on progress of priority areas to monitor progress and support accountability of the ARP