Global Action Plan on Child Wasting: Call to Action



A Call to Action was launched by the Global Action Plan on Child Wasting on 12 January 2023, demanding decisive and timely action to protect the most vulnerable children in the 15 countries hardest hit by the unprecedented food and nutrition crisis.

The Call to Action highlights the need for a multi-sectoral approach to maternal and child nutrition through the food, health, water and sanitation, and social protection systems. In response to increasing needs, UN agencies have identified five priority actions that will be effective in addressing acute malnutrition in countries affected by conflict and natural disasters and in humanitarian emergencies. Scaling up these actions as a coordinated package will be critical to preventing and treating acute malnutrition in children, and averting the tragic loss of life.

UN agencies urge governments and partners to make greater investments in support of a coordinated UN response that will meet the unprecedented needs of this growing crisis, before it is too late. 


Publication date
January 2023


Cover of Global Action Plan on Child Wasting - Call to Action

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